2020 Keynote speakers

Holly Gooding, M.D., M.Sc.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics,
Emory University School of Medicine
Co-Director, Harvard Macy Program for Educators in the Health Professions
Presentation Title:
The Science of Learning and its Application to Health
Professions Education
Dr. Gooding is an adolescent medicine specialist in the Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Gooding received her B.S. from the University of Georgia, her M.Sc. from the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health, and her M.D. from the University of California San Francisco. She completed her clinical fellowships in internal and adolescent medicine at Brigham and Woman’s and Boston Children’s Hospital and was on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for eight years, serving as faculty advisor to medical education student projects and co-chairing the HMS Wellness and Mental Health Task Force.
She relocated to Emory University in 2019 to be Section Head for Adolescent Medicine, and she remains Co-Director for the Harvard Macy Program for Educators in the Health Professions.
Dr. Gooding is the recipient of several research grants from the NIH and various Foundations to study cardiovascular health promotion among adolescents and evidence-based teaching practices among faculty and practicing physicians.

Anna T. Cianciolo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Medical Education,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Presentation Title:
The Editorial Process from Soup to Nuts
I am an Associate Professor of Medical Education at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and Editor in Chief of Teaching and Learning in Medicine. I come to medical education with Ph.D. training in engineering psychology (2001 – Georgia Institute of Technology), 12 years’ experience conducting performance-based training research and development for the U.S. Army, and a lifelong passion for understanding the nature of expertise and its development. I work at an institution that is internationally recognized for educational innovation, where the curriculum offers a rich, “living laboratory” for studying the social and technological aspects of medical education collaboratively with faculty and students. My role as Editor also allows me special observability on the development of scholarly expertise, particularly the cultivation of individual voice and advancement of community understanding.
My research interests include small-group collaborative and peer-assisted learning, clinical teaching, learning, and assessment, clinical reasoning, and scholarly professional development. My work has been funded by the Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education (SDRME), the Harvard Macy Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It has been published in Academic Medicine, Medical Education, and Advances in Health Sciences Education, among other journals. I served two terms as the Central Region Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Chair of the Medical Education Scholarship, Research, and Evaluation (MESRE) Section. I have been recognized by my school as Outstanding Scholar (2016) and Outstanding Educator (2018) and by the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) as a Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator (2014). Ultimately, my professional goal is to improve medical education by doing work that encourages and empowers medical educators to practice reflectively and, in so doing, make their world a better place for themselves, their learners, and their patients.